Europe and the World towards 2030
Chair: Professor Ian Goldin, Oxford Martin School
Professor Goldin
Mr. Jean-Luc Schneider, OECD
Discussants: Mr. Wolfgang Munchau, Financial Times and Professor Andre Sapir, Bruegel
Innovation in Europe -- Facts, Causes, and Consequences
Chair: Professor David Vines, Economics Department and Balliol College
FACTS: Professor Raicho Bojilov, Ecole Polytechnique
Discussant: Professor Eric Bartlesman, Vrije University, Amsterdam
CAUSES: Professor Gylfi Zoega, University of Iceland; Birkbeck College, University of London and Professor Saifedean Ammous, Lebanese American University
CONSEQUENCES: Professor Edmund Phelps, Columbia University (an edited version of Phelps's remarks is available here)
Discussant: Mr. David P. Goldman, Asia Times (an edited version of Goldman's remarks is available here)
Capital Markets, Ageing, and Pensions
Chair: Mr. Adam Bennett, St. Antony's College
Dr. Christian Thimann, AXA
Mr. Ashok Gupta, Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
Discussants: Professor John Muellbauer, INET at Oxford and Professor Colin Mayer, Said Business School
The Future of Europe -- Roundtable Discussion
Chair: Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis, St. Antony's College
Mr. Peter Jungen, Peter Jungen Holding GmBH
Professor Juan Sola, University of Buenos Aires
Professor Saskia Sassen, Columbia University
Professor Paul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics
Download the full agenda here.