Watch Now: Let's Talk About Capitalism – And Society Too
Videos are now available from all sessions in the Center's 20th annual conference, Let's Talk About Capitalism – And Society Too, held September 18, 2023 at Columbia's Faculty House.
Edmund Phelps, Opening Remarks
Jeffrey Sachs, Redesigning Politics for Sustainable Development
Andrzej Rapaczynski, Capitalism and the Challenge of Inequality
Rahel Jaeggi, What (If Anything) Is Wrong with Capitalism?
Leif Pagrotsky, From Progress to Pessimism: The Case of Sweden
Agnes Callard, Capitalism and Kinship (Luncheon speech)
Richard Sennett, Ruling By Acting
Stefano Micossi: A Dysfunctional Market Economy: Italy
Marc Schulz, Lessons from the Harvard Study of Adult Development about Social Connection and Work
Partha Dasgupta, Economic Growth in the Anthropocene
Edmund Phelps, Closing Remarks
Joseph Stiglitz, The Economy and the Good Society (Dinner speech)